
Fountain, Colorado

Adult ESL Classes at the Fountain Library

Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 will be hosting their first Adult English Language Learns classes the the Fountain Library located at 230 Main Street, Fountain, Colorado. The classes will take place during February and March and will be held from 5 PM to 7 PM. Please note, these classes are for family members of School…

Fountain Creek Nature Center Events October 2024

Join the fun at the Fountain Creek Nature Center. Fun events all month from crafts, story telling, hikes and a Pumpkin Carving Party. The Fountain Creek Nature Centeris located at 320 Pepper Grass Lane, Fountain, CO 80817; 719-520-6745; FOR IN PERSON COVERAGE OF PROGRAMS & EVENTS CONTACT: Jessica Miller, Nature Center Supervisor, 719-499-4923, ONLINE…

Fountain Clean Up Days

Waste Connections and City of Fountain have partnered again to help Clean Up our community. Starting Oct. 1st, residents of Fountain can come to City Hall to pick up a voucher to dump 1 truck load at the landfill for FREE for the month of October.

Public Invited to Town Hall with Commissioner Longinos Gonzalez, Jr.

September 19, 2024 – El Paso County Commissioner Longinos Gonzalez, Jr. invites the public to attend a community Town Hall on Saturday, September 21, from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the El Paso County Public Health – South building. The purpose of the meeting is to provide local government officials an opportunity to share…

Christmas Tree Drop Off is Still Open

The City of Fountain is hosting a free Christmas tree drop-off and disposal site at the former Fountain Recycling Center. The former Fountain Recycling Center will be open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. until 1/31/24. Trees can only be dropped off during these times. The requirements and information for disposal is…

Fountain City Council Meeting

The next City of Fountain Council Meeting will be Tuesday, January 9th, 2024, starting at 6:00 pm. If you can’t make it to the Council Meeting in person, click the following link to register to participate virtually. Virtual Registration 116 South Main Street, Fountain, CO 80817

Road Work Alert on South Academy January, 8th-10th

El Paso County | Road Work Alert On Monday, Jan. 8 through Wednesday, Jan. 10, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., there will be a northbound I-25 left shoulder closure between Santa Fe Avenue and South Academy Boulevard to allow crews to reset barriers. In addition, on Wednesday, Jan. 10, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., there…

Fountain Business Speaker Series

The Fountain Economic Development Commission is launching its novel 2024 Business Education Speaker Series on behalf of business engagement. This series will promote awareness around various projects and initiatives happening in our region impacting Fountain’s business activities and overall economic health, and will provide an introduction on how to access specific resources and programs available…

Fountain Transit Riders Pass

Heads UP Fountain Transit Riders! January 9th is National Shop for Travel Day! We’d like to celebrate by offering our unlimited monthly bus pass on this date for only $25.00! That’s a 53% savings! Come on by City Hall at 116 South Main Street in Fountain to get your pass on that date and SAVE…

Delays Due to Weather

Fountain-Ft Carson High School will have a two hour delay due to anticipated wind conditions and temperatures early tomorrow morning, all schools and buildings in Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 will be operating on a two-hour delayed start schedule on Monday, January 8. This delay applies to school and staff start times. Buses will run regular…

Pumpkins at Venetucci Farm

Venetucci Farm has pumpkins on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10AM to 4 PM. The last entry is at 3 PM General admission is $5 for anyone over age 6. Take a pumpkin home for $10. There will be lots of activities from the Pumpkin Patch, Games and Trick or Treating on October 27th and…

Fountain Valley Chamber

The Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce is delighted to host a networking breakfast for our Chamber members on a regular and recurring basis.  On the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month, an educational topic are provided at this event. We invite members to attend this event and offer the opportunity for members to showcase…

CPW urges the public to wear life jackets following deadliest year on Colorado waters

DENVER – As boat ramps open and warm temperatures entice people to get outdoors and recreate on the water, Colorado Parks and Wildlife urges people to wear a life jacket and boat safely following the deadliest year on Colorado’s rivers, lakes and reservoirs. CPW is promoting safe boating tips to educate outdoor enthusiasts on how…

Free Tax Help at Security Library

You may qualify for free tax preparation at the Security Library located at 715 Aspen Drive. Walk-in basis at the A.P. Room in the lower level of the basement. Do you make $60,000 per year or less. Stop by to see if you are eligible. Dates:March 10th 11 am – 2 pmApril 7th 11 am…

Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce Membership

The Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce provides some truly amazing services and opportunities to for its members. There will be an event every week in 2023 to allow the greatest impact possible in featuring fellow businesses and providing networking opportunities in the hopes of helping to grow your business. The Fountain Valley of Chamber Sponsors…

School Closures & Delays

School and Government Office Closings and Delays in Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region from Flash Alert®. FlashAlert® collects emergency messages and news releases from 800 schools, colleges, fire and police departments, hospitals, businesses, government offices, utilities and other organizations in Colorado Springs and Pueblo and distributes them to the news media via a continuously…