Fountain Creek Nature Center

Fountain Creek Nature Center Events October 2024

Join the fun at the Fountain Creek Nature Center. Fun events all month from crafts, story telling, hikes and a Pumpkin Carving Party. The Fountain Creek Nature Centeris located at 320 Pepper Grass Lane, Fountain, CO 80817; 719-520-6745; FOR IN PERSON COVERAGE OF PROGRAMS & EVENTS CONTACT: Jessica Miller, Nature Center Supervisor, 719-499-4923, ONLINE…

Nature Hikes With Santa

Participate in an interactive reading of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” while waiting for Santa to arrive at the Nature Center! Then, hike with Sana to see what gifts nature gives us. Afterwards, enjoy seasonal tunes with the band, Peppergrass, and make paper snowflakes! Saturdays, December 10 & 17, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.…

Environmental Film Series: Saving Luna

A documentary film about Luna, a lone baby killer whale who gets separated from his family. Luna becomes a symbol of the world’s wildest beauty:  wonderful to know, hard to save.  This film is provided by the Rocky Mountain Women’s Film Festival and will be shown at the Fountain Creek Nature Center in the new…

Environmental Film Series – American Outrage

This film asks why the United States government has spent millions prosecuting two elderly Western Shoshone sisters for grazing a few hundred horses and cows in a desolate dessert.  Bull Frog Films, 56 minutes at the Fountain Creek Nature Center in the new three screen Blue Ray theatre.  This film is provided by the Rocky…

Visit the Fountain Creek Nature Center

The Fountain Creek Nature Center is a wetland park south of Colorado Springs off I25 and Hwy 85-87. There are programs, movies, walking trails and events throughout the year. Great Blue Heron, turtles, monarch butterlies are among the 300 species of wildlife that can be seen at the wetland park. The park is open to…

Chocolate Bunny Walk and Egg Hunt in Fountain

Meet a live rabbit and learn about all things rabbit via a fun, interactive slide show.  Then go for a relaxed walk to look for eggs along the trail and in the woods.  Goodies exchanged for eggs at the nature center.  For children ages 2-10 with an adult.  Three different times available. ($5.00/member child, $7.00/non-member child. …

Twos & Threes Outdoors – Things with Wings

Share in the joy of your 2 or 3 year-old child’s discovery as he or she enjoys a story and an exploration hike outdoors at the Fountain Creek Nature Center.  ($3.00 for each participant including adults and siblings, reservations required, 520-6745. Date:  April 10, 2014                      Things with Wings Time:  9 am – 10:15 am Phone: …

Girl Scout Day at Fountain Creek Nature Center

Girl Scouts with their parents and leaders may register for any of the above sessions to fulfill the requirements for their badges or just learn a new skill and have fun outdoors.  (Badges not supplied).  $4 per scout per badge session; Reservations and pre-payment required by April 10.  Call 719-520-6745 for pre-payment with VISA, MC…

Heron Homecoming at Fountain Creek Nature Center

Fountain Creek Nature Adventures is for children ages 3 – 6 accompanied by an adult.  Children will enjoy a puppet show or stories, crafts, hands-on activities and discovery time on the trail. Date: April 3, 2014 – Heron Homecoming Time: 9 am – 10:30 am Fee: ($4.00 donation suggested, reservations required 719-520-6745) Phone: 719-520-6745 Location: Fountain Creek…

Turtle Time at the Fountain Creek Nature Center

Turtles are year round residents of the ponds at the Fountain Creek Nature Center.  We’ll learn about a turtle’s life and lore, then make a craft to take home.  Afterwards we’ll head outdoors for a hike around the ponds to check out the turtles that came out of their winter slumber.  Fun for all ages. …

Rocky Women’s Film Festival: Is Your Life too Plastic?

See the acclaimed and award winning documentaries from the Rocky Mountain Women’s Film Festival at the Fountain Creek Nature Center’s new Blue Ray, three screen venue.  Enjoy snacks, popcorn and drinks for a small fee.  discussion following for those interested.  Geared toward an adult audience. Date: Friday, March 21, 2014 Time: 7 9m – 8:30 pm…

Fancy Nature Crafts with Nancy

Paper making, pine needle baskets, rock necklaces and soap carving are a few of the fancy nature crafts you may choos from in this crafty class at the Fountain Creek Nature Center.  For aduls and children ages 10 and up with an adult.  Fee covers supplies.  Limited to the first 20 participants. Date: March 15,…

Spring Break Nature Camp: Marsh Madness!

Fountain Creek Springs Nature Camp is here once again in the Fountain Valley.  This years Springs Camp rungs from March 24 – 28, 2014.   Nature Center Playtime in the woods, building forts, fishing, games and making friends are portals to learning about nature and ourselves.  Campers will discover the world around them and how to be…

Two’s and Three’s Outdoors: Shapes and Sounds

Fountain Creek Nature Center Two’s and Three’s lets children two to three years old  share in the discovery  of shapes and sounds as he enjoys a story and an exploration hike outdoors. Date:  March 13, 2014                     Shapes and Sounds Time:  9 am – 10:15 am Fee:  ($3.00 for each participant including adults and siblings, Reservations Required)…

Nature Hike with Santa at Fountain Creek Nature Center

Nature Hikes with Santa will be at the Fountain Creek Nature Center on Saturday, December 14 & 21, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.  There will be an  interactive reading of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” poem, make a snowflake craft, and then join Santa for a hike around the nature loop to see what gifts nature gives…

Nature Crafts with Nancy

Learn about paper making, pine needle baskets, rock necklaces and soap carving at the Fountain Creek Nature Center with Nancy.  Classes  are for children and adults and will be on Saturday, November 16, 2013 from 10:00 am to Noon.  The fee covers supplies for crafts.  Reservations are required and is limited to the first twenty…